During our meeting May 17, 2024 Dave "Sunny" Sundstrom, a member of the Rotary Club of Reno Sunrise, spoke about about ShelterBox. Dave has extensive prior experience in emergency humanitarian service and recently attended ShelterBox Ambassador Training.
ShelterBox, which started as a Rotary project, is now a nonprofit operating in several countries. ShelterBox provides emergency shelters and tools to help people survive and rebuild after disasters strike. Instead of moving people away from their damaged communities, they are given sturdy tent structures, survival equipment and basic construction tools which allow them to remain near their homes.
Dave will have more information for us at a future meeting.

Speaker Dave Sundstrom

ShelterBox Tent. The full kit also includes construction tools and a system for purifying drinking water.

Aid ShelterKit - Used when the home structure is partly damaged. The tools provided allow the homeowners to make necessary emergency repairs.