We had a nice turn out of Rotarians and family members for our May Service Event at the Food Bank of Northern Nevada on May 11, 2024. Donated food items were first screened for any damage or expiration. Then they were categorized and boxed to the correct weight for each category before being placed on pallets for transportation. Each person had their station in the assembly line. As in the past, it is amazing how much work can be accomplished during our two-hour shift while being entertained with music.
Attendees included President Lynn Clark and his granddaughter Kyleigh Kuehnis, President-Elect Dan Waters, Past President Craig Sande with spouse Mary, organizer Steve Schroder with spouse Marcia, John Albrecht, Jon and Martha Greene, Susan Smith, and Jim Van Winkle with Spouse Ellie

Group Photo (minus Susan Smith)

Fast-handed Craig Sande boxing up "Wet Bevs."

Dan Waters handling the heavy lifting.

Steve Schroder making sure the boxes are being properly filled with food items.

Steve Schroder, Marcia Schroder and KyleighKuehnis doing quality checks on the donated food items.

Canned food items awaiting quality check before boxing up for distribution.